So here we go. While at Wal-Mart today, on impulse my husband suggested I get that fancy new printer I have been needing/wanting for my business. So we got it. I do need a printer after all. OK, office equipment aside, things are moving along on the business front. I have some vendors in place and a pretty good draft of my business plan going along with some other fun money type spreadsheets for bankers to look at so they can give me money to start this thing.
Now my only really question is. What came first? The chicken or the egg? Should I get my business license and incorporate first or get the loan first? I think I should incorporate first so the bank knows I'm serious. Plus, they aren't going to give me a loan, they are going to give my company a loan. So I'm going to have to have a company they can give a loan to. Then we are off! Well, we pretty much better be off once I get incorporated. But once I get the loan, I can get my website up, get a phone line, and get inventory and start advertising.
But you know what's really funny, what I am looking forward to most at the moment? Buying funky pretty office supplies. Not boring ones, but pink ones and sparkly ones. You know why? Because I'm the boss! Yes, I will be the boss! Like Mark Zuckerburg has on his business cards, "I'm CEO...Bitch!" Yea, OK, that is the exciting part. I will be the boss, I will be the only one I have to answer to and yea, I'm CEO Bitch!.
OK, enough of the power trip. But it is very exciting none the less.