Monday, November 30, 2009

Mary Kay My Way - 2nd Edition

So here I am, my big goal and my big hurdle I feel is to sell the inventory that I have!!! I must have like $400 worth of inventory in my dining room/Mary Kay room. (Come on, like you eat in your dining room anymore) I am trying to sell it. It is the holidays. While yes, I didn't jump on the band wagon and get all the Holiday product and gift sets, I have plenty of Satin Hands, Timewise and various lotions and potions. Including TONS of Eye makeup remover and Soothing Eye Gel. So here I am, just trying to make the money back from what I spent ordering all that product so I can stay active and hopefully sell.

I am actually kind of proud of myself, I did a few follow-up calls and plan to do one or two tomorrow.

I even put on my Facebook my promotion for the month, 31 products in 31 days. Get 31% off your purchase when you mention 31/31 in the comments when your order on my website. This serves several purposes. One, it forces me to set a goal for myself, I will sell 31 products in one month. Two, it advertises my business, and last time I did this in September, I did very well. Three, it advertises my website. I also have a fourth goal, I will get 1 new customer per week. Last September I got like 5 customers. So AWESOME ME!!! I am also doing something very common in the retail world. Having a SALE. And hoping that once I bring new customers or even customers I haven't seen in awhile with my 31% off, I will keep them for awhile and they will be repeat.

Also, for Halloween, I put together sample bags for all the moms in my neighborhood that came by with their kids. I have yet to hear from anyone from Halloween. Did I mention tomorrow is December 1st. And I still have a bunch of those Sample bags lefts that I am still trying to figure out what to do with. I am thinking hanging on my neighbors doors. Despite my HOA's no soliciitng policy. Hey, if Bob's Bug Service and put a flyer on my drawer, and I can hang some lipstick samples on my neighbors doors.

With all my hurdles and goals, I remain optimistic. Every other time I have put my mind to something in the past I have achieved my goal. I can do this. I can do this. I CAN DO THIS!!!!

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