As you may have noticed, I have changed the name of my Blog from "Mary Kay Adventures" to "My Adventure". As I explained earlier, this is because my life is more about Mary Kay and I want to tell you about it. Also, in discussing with my husband the other night, he so bluntly stated, "Don't you think the train has left the station." And yeah, I think he is right, I think the train has left the station. My Mary Kay business is over. It sucks because as you know, I am currently working on starting a business and if I quit Mary Kay, and/or can't be successful with Mary Kay, what do you think that says about this new business that I am starting? Will that endure the same fate? I hope not! Of course, I can make excuses all day long on why my new business is different than Mary Kay and that it will work and will be successful but at the end of the day its business, and that's the gamble you take when you start a business, whether it be Mary Kay or any other business. It's business.
So why am I quitting Mary Kay you ask? Because its not successful. I've given it a year, over a year and nothing. Yes I have had customers and mad a little bit of money but realistically, I have put more money into this business than I have gotten out of it. I have put my own money into this business and not seen a return. Despite my efforts. So to keep up with Mary Kay at this point would be a bad business decision, not to mention a bad personal financial decision. Especially when I am trying to improve my finances and get out of Credit Card and Student Loan debt. So So Long Mary Kay, (maybe later, or not. Maybe I'll just find a Mary Kay lady because I really do like the products). And on to other adventures in my life. Including my new business. I have a timeline all made up of deadlines for a business plan, financial plan and marketing plan. I have a fabulous web/graphic designer who is stoked to help me and i am EXCITED!!!
On a personal level. In December I turned 28, YIKES!!! 2 more years till 30! A friend of mine is 29 and is currently doing 29 new things on her journey to 30. So I am thinking about doing the same thing. I already have a few ideas, including: Getting a Tattoo, learning how to paint in watercolors and oils, taking a sushi class, a wine tasting class and learning how to snow board. Any other suggestions would be welcome. What has anybody else done that was awesome?! I don't think I want to bungee jump or sky dive. So give me something interesting.
Anyway, when I turn 29 I will post the list and let you know of my progress.
I know that was a hard decision for you to make. The other business will be different. I have total faith in you. As far as your The 28 I say go for it! You have a great list so far. I am thinking about adding a half marathon to mine but I am not committed to that yet. Of course there is also the trapeze lessons, laser hair removal, and pumpkin facial. You should join the Groupon email list. Tons of neat stuff for SUPER CHEAP!