I want to work on my business, I need to set up all the licensing and legal stuff. I need to research. I need to find all my research materials that are still packed up.
I want to finish putting contact paper in the cabinets and finish unpacking.
I want to explore the town a little more.
I want to go Wal-Mart and pick up some groceries.
Ok, it doesn't really seem like that much and if I just sat and breathed I could get it all done. So here is the schedule. Work on the business for about another hour. Take a shower and go to Wal-Mart. Come home and finish up the cabinets and unpack for a bit. And then maybe read and relax. I will explore the town tomorrow or next week. Mostly because I have a feeling that after I am done unpacking I will be to tired and stinky to go anywhere. Maybe I will go for a walk around the neighborhood this afternoon though.
I just feel busier than I actually am, but like I say, I really don't know why. I have plenty of time. Maybe I should lay off the coffee and get to work.
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