Saturday, December 26, 2009

Post Holiday Lul

Christmas is over. New Years is just around the corner. Time to start the new year off with a BANG!!! I have 2 clients who have expressed interest in wanting to throw a party in the New Year. Let's shoot for a January party. It would be perfect, a New Year a New Look and a party, facial and new products in time for Valentines Day so they will have their perfect romantic look for the guy they have for the guy they want.

Business wise I have been working!!! I have been devoting time and energy to marketing my business and telling new people about what I do and have to offer.

With the holidays I feel like I have just been sooo busy that I haven't even had time to really work my business but that is also the time where I also feel that things have just been coming out of the woodwork. I hope that continues.

In terms of being a small business own of the things that I am a little frustrated at myself about is that with Mary Kay every 3 months you have to order at least $200 worth of wholesale. I have ordered $188.00 this month. Ugg. So as soon as I publish this I am going to put in a small order. The only frustrating thing with that is now I have more inventory I need to get rid of. That is part of the challenge. Part of the business. You can't sell from an empty cart, but now I have overhead. Giving me incentive and motivation to sell sell sell!!! Get rid of my inventory move that product.

So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And be sure to visit my website, for your NEW 2010 Look.

1 comment:

  1. What a great attitude for the New Year! If you keep working like you did the night we went shopping you are going to totally rock this. You can do it!
